Join the team!

In advance of a book’s release date, I send out Advance Reader Copies (ARCs) to editorial reviewers and readers in exchange for an honest review of the book. I will often use parts of these reviews for promotion.

My Advance Reader Team is a group of readers who have volunteered to read and review ARC copies of my new releases.

What are the benefits of being an early reviewer?

You get a free copy of my new book, plus you get to read it before anyone else does!

What if I don’t love it?

I’m asking for honest reviews here, so no, it doesn’t have to be a 5 star review.

Hmm, there’s got to be some sort of catch…

The success of my new release depends on ARC reviews, so I will need you to read the book within 2  to 3 weeks prior to the release date and be prepared to post your review on and Goodreads on release day. (I’ll send a reminder a few days before the release day so you can have your review ready to post when I send the final reminder on the day of launch).

Sounds good, how do I join?

There’s just two steps to join my Advance Reader Team.

1. To qualify, if you haven’t already done so, you must read and review Extortionware a Hacker Tale or Protecting Kids Online!! post the review on and Goodreads. (I can’t give out unlimited ARCs,  so I need to know I can count on you to give thoughtful honest reviews).

2. Send me a message through the form above to let me know you want to join my Advance Review Team and include the links to your reviews on (Do this by clicking on your name under the star rating of your review. This will take you to all your Amazon reviews. Click on the review of my book and send me that specific link). I’ll follow up with you from there.

Depending on the availability of spots, I may choose not to include you on my team, but I’ll let you know if that’s the case.

ARC reviewers play a huge role in the success of an author’s books and I hope you’ll be part of that success by joining the team.  🙂

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