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The Internet is a dangerous place for children of every age, and most parents have no idea how to keep their children secure. Learn what every caregiver needs to know about keeping their children safe while using internet-connected devices and how to keep your children’s confidential information out of the hands of data brokers. In this invaluable parental guide, you’ll also discover how to leverage the internet for your child’s offline advantage and education, and learn about the pros and cons of the “Dark Net”. Along the way you will find it is easier, protecting your children online than you realize. ¬e last thing you want to do is allow them online without your guidance. Trip Elix is a consultant and professional speaker on security and privacy. Protecting Kids Online! It should be read by every parent and caregiver.

Protecting Kids Online is an essential guide to protecting your biggest priority, your children and the easiest way to understand the online threats for children.

Kathy Barnett

Publisher CT Kids and Family Magazine

I think every parent should know what is in this book. My child was an identity theft victim. Thanks to Trip we discovered  it and took action.

Betsy H.
St. Louis Mo

In Protecting Kids Online Trip Elix takes you into the world of the internet that most outside of security conferences rarely understand. Leaving small children alone on the internet is foolish, and it’s not a group of hidden boogieman, that are out to get your child. Trip exposes what appears to be benign information that corporations are selling. Some of what appears to be innocent data, is sold to identity thieves; while other parts are designed to limit choices of education and will curtail your child’s future. 

All data has other purposes, and your opinions right now dictate, what you pay for insurance and influence the ultimate cost of goods and services. It doesn’t even matter if you use social media or even use the internet. Protecting Kids Online supplies insightful outside the box suggestions for the nuances of technological babel. Technology really doesn’t change that fast, only the terms to describe it do.

Your child is expected to have a social footprint before entering collage. You can use social media as an advantage and make your child stand far above classmates.  Inside the book you will discover things that every parent should know. 

Protecting Kids Online is a valuable resource

Did you know that you child’s school is disclosing information to data brokers? Most parents have no idea, while Federal Law requires school districts to notify parents and allow them to opt out of data collection efforts.

You can use this link to download a free Directory opt-out form. (Click Here)




Your children will infect devices with malware, don't let thieves into your finances

Viruses, spyware and malware have become a fact of life. It is additionally common for children's devices to be infected with the undetectable code created by internet thieves, who get ahold of whatever they can. Why put your hard earned money or your investments into the crosshairs. There are simple things that you can do to protect yourself. Learn what they are and by taking a few simple steps remove yourself from harm's way. Using gift cards in place of credit cards when signing up for services is just one answer.


Your child will look at porn, it will be your decision on how they will react and what they understand. Many parents struggle to keep children away from Hollywood’s influence as long as they can. The evidence that smut agents are after children, is in the fact that the Xbox 360 and the Sony PlayStation are the most common devices used to view internet pornography. The 3DS users are simply lagging behind all because they are too young for pornography.

Hollywood and the porn industry are trying to recruit your child


While many people are convinced that things are collected just for marketing, the companies that sell the information also have hardened criminals as clients. Identity theft with children as young as two years old have occurred. Theft of children’s information may not be detected for a very long time, and it may keep your child from getting that first job or a denial on college admission. Learn what to look for and how to get your child’s information away from brokers.

Data brokers are selling
your child’s information
on the internet


Any type of drug can be mailed to your home and paid for using bitcoin. It can be a transaction that is as untraceable as it is potentially deadly.  It is part of the story of a Washington teen, Alisha Collins, who was the catalyst for a global crackdown that ruined yet more lives. 
Do you know all of the sign to look for?

Do you talk to your child and know who their friends really are?    

Drugs can be purchased with any gift or game card
Big corporations that want to track everything you do, are sponsoring a massive misinformation campaign about the dark web. In reality, the dark web is the last haven of privacy left on the internet. Imagine that your child clicks on the wrong link and downloads a single image. You find out by the police breaking down your door at three A.M. The S.W.A.T. team has this occurrence every day somewhere in America and the victim is not some terrorist, it just another hapless youth caught up in the court system. Don’t let it happen to your family

The Dark Web is safer than you have been told.


College admission officers and corporate recruiters are using the contents of social media web pages as determining factors in the eligibility of applicants. Like it or not social media is here to stay.  Most children jump onto the social networks as soon as they can.  

There are actions that you can take to safeguard your child's future. With just a little effort you can build a portfolio for your child that any type of recruiter would desire. 


Social network profiles are
expected by colleges and employers

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